January, it’s dry and green

Start of the year

It is the 1st of January; we have new books, fresh flowers, a Moleskine and a healthy breakfast. And it is time for New Year’s resolutions.
Welcome to Dry Veganuary. AKA means no alcohol or animal products—an adventure into sustainable living.

Going vegan for a month is a great way to detox your body, reduce your carbon footprint, and challenge yourself to try new foods. Plus, it can be a great way to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. I have done it in the past; it is something easy for me because I already have a plant-based diet, but sometimes I feel it is too restrictive because I am also gluten intolerant. I have to be creative and explore new recipes.

Dry January will give me a chance to reset, give my body a break, and see the benefits of a sober lifestyle. Not drinking will lead to better sleep and more energy, and it helps to save some money after the holiday.
How am I doing so far? Good. I managed a company lunch, staying vegan and meeting up with friends without drinking.

Embarking on Dry January and a 30-day vegan challenge offers numerous health benefits and a deeper understanding of our lifestyle choices. It’s about starting the year with intention, mindfulness, and a commitment to positive changes. I’ll be sharing my journey on this blog, and I encourage you to share your experiences too. Let’s make this January a month of growth and discovery!

Next time will talk about the book – A little life.
