Let’s talk about size.

Lately, I have been listening to podcasts a lot, especially about health and lifestyle. While writing this very blog post, the voice of Christy Harrison in her podcast Food Psych is keeping me company. Her podcast is about intuitive eating, body liberation, and eating disorder recovering.

How much is overeating? And why nowadays we look at food like something that we should restrict, and why we feel guilty if we have something that can make us fat.
Who is dictating the size, the appearance, basically the standards that say we became unfit for society?

Being gluten intolerant makes me very conscious about what I eat. I miss my favourite foods, like pizza, pasta, bread, etc. and I struggle a lot. Having a restricting diet is for people that unfortunately, cannot eat a particular type of food, all the kids like me with the gluten or the lactose, etc.
If you can eat, go for it! And if you are using food like a reward or a punishment, you need to make peace with yourself first and then start looking at calories or jumping on the scale.

Are you interested in the subject? Listen to Food Psych and let me know what you think in the comment below.

Yours truly,

Having a good time last July in Bosa (Sardinia)