What’s for lunch – Chickpeas salad

Being gluten intolerant is never easy, especially on your lunch break at work….

This post is about the alternative we have to the usual dutch sandwich HAM&KAAS (ham and cheese), today I want to share my chickpeas salad recipe 🙂

Chickpeas salad

Course Salad
Prep Time 10 minutes
Author gluten freak foodie


  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 100 gr Chickpeas
  • 1 Fennel
  • 1 tbsp EVO
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 100 gr Tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp Mix seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, pine etc)
  • 1 clove Garlic


  1. I prefer using the dry organic chickpeas; they need to stay in the water for at least 8 hours. Cooking time for the chickpeas is about 3 hours. 

    If you don't have time to cook, no worries you can always use organic chickpeas in a can.

  2. In a large bowl put the chickpeas, the sliced fennel, the avocado, and the tomatoes. Aside prepare a vinaigrette with EVO, lemon juice, garlic and basil. I like the salad with a sprinkle of seeds.

  3. To bring the salad at work, consider using a jar instead of a plastic container. #no plastic

If you don’t like fennel, you can use Iceberg lettuce or rucola.

Buon appetito ♥


